Sunday, March 4, 2012

Snowy road in Rochester RAW vs JPEG

RAW ISO 100, 80 mm, F/5.6, 1/30



  1. The first image is definately better.I like the smoothness of the picture.

  2. Gail,
    This picture reminds me of a Thomas Kinkade painting.
    Curious though which looked more realistic to your eye.
    Did you edit them in any way?

  3. I just did some slight basic exposure/contrast modification along with increased sharpness slightly and very slight increase of saturation.

  4. I'm confused. The bottom picture looks clearer to me. I can see the icy blue swoopy curve of the road and all of the individual fencelines, and the golden brown wood of the barn, and even the lines of the individual planks of wood, and then the detail of the tree branch in front. So that would make me guess that the bottom one is the RAW one. BUT the trees in the distance--the golden brown naked sticks of trees in the back--look more detailed to my eye in the top picture. Maybe it is a case of fiddling with the image afterward? Or I still need more practice looking at RAW vs. jpeg.

    In either case....pretty picture. I like the composition and the lines and the colors.

  5. I think when I fiddled with the JPEG I might not have gotten the same settings as I did with the RAW image. I'll have to go back and look at the settings.

  6. My only wish for this picture was that the fencing was not in the way. Didn't have time to fiddle with photoshop trying to edit out the wire fencing towards the bottom of the picture (don't know if I could have edited the fencing anyway. I was in a hurry trying to get out the door for work but it was just after the snow the previous night and the light was just so eye catching when I stepped outside, I had to go back inside and grab my camera and take some pictures. Just wish the fencing wasn't there, but oh well, I liked the natural lighting with the snow on the ground. What fun just to get out, practice and see what I get. :>))
