1/320s at f/8.0 ISO 500
Focal length 50 mm
suggesting movement
Focal Length 250 mm
I thought it showed value in the ground pretty well.
Focal length 50 mm
The log in front had a lot of shadow from the front. So I though maybe I could use my flash to fill in the light. It didn't really seem to work for me. I tried several times. You can see the log in this one because the sun came through the clouds and provided more light on the log and over exposed the sky.
Focal Length 250 mm
suggesting movement
I especially like your fourth shot for its expression of both movement and value. The silhouette and shadow of the bird's legs and foot in the water are powerful in contrast with the background, and you can tell the bird is moving and has it's foot raised, because of the separation between the foot and its shadow.